Gardens of Memories...

...spaces of childhood memories and inner spaces of knowledge, translated into symbolic dreamscapes...

The Cup I Hate

No Fringes, No Piano, Only Badminton Please

Play While Standing Like Deer

Between the spring of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, Mirjana Avramovic has continued to develop the theme of gardens in a metaphorical sense. Instead of the pioneering and “path-seeking” paintings “Magic Garden” and “Magic Forest” from 2016, as well as the mystical gardens of a deeper, unconscious level ("The Invasion of Myths"), whose echoes can still be seen in the paintings “Alice in Wonderland”, "Between the Worlds" ("The Search...") from 2017, one encounters a new “garden world” here. On the one side there are images of a sheltered, protected world, on the other the jungle as a symbolic thicket of emotions. Multi-layered plant symbols appear: climbing plants reaching up to the light; or Fittonia, which grows on the ground and has a network of red dye reminiscent of blood circulation.

Plants form a complex world of energies, differently polarized and in part hardly penetrating, but – life-affirming and necessary. In one of the paintings, in a clearing, there is a roe deer fawn in front of a curtain that has turned into a waterfall: still a semi-comical, semi-dreamy alter ego of the artist, transparent and playing on the carpet. It stands for so much that perhaps is not and cannot become, but seems to live on in us unswervingly.

The paintings presented here could be interpreted as a kind of synthesis of the artist´s painting up to 2019. They were the main paintings of the solo exhibition "Garden of Memories, Garden od Knowledge", which was exhibited in Winter 2019, between March 3rd and April 22nd at the Gallery of the Art Cycle Laatzen (Kunstkreis Laatzen) in the Region of Hanover.